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 Junior Racing 
 Launch Hours 
 MYC Remote Mooring List - Updated May 2024 
Wouldn't it be nice to cruise into one of your favorite harbors and find an MYC mooring waiting for you? Here are details of our clubs remote moorings so you can plan your next adventure!
 Public Racing Page Welcome w/o event notice 
 Racing Schedule 
Manchester Yacht Club
 Welcome Message 

Welcome to the Manchester Yacht Club and our 133rd season! Our club was founded in 1892, "for the purpose of encouraging yachting." That proud heritage continues today with our fleet of over 300 boats and an active membership. From our location at the entrance to beautiful Manchester Harbor, we welcome cruising yachtsmen and women from all ports as well as racing sailors who enjoy competing in the annual Crocker Race, One Design Weekend events, and PHRF races such as the Patton Bowl and Fall Series.


Visiting cruisers will find detailed information on the harbor and facilities under the "Visitor" menu, racers may use the "Racing" menu for entry forms and results, and the weather icon at the top of the page provides extended local forecasts. Members can log in for full site access.

Manchester Yacht Club proudly supports the Manchester Sailing Association, which offers excellent summer learn-to-sail programs for youth and adults. For additional information, please visit the MSA website at manchestersailing.org.

A shared passion for the sea is what brings us together at the Manchester Yacht Club. I look forward to terrific season on the water in 2025. For any questions or to learn about MYC Membership please contact [email protected]

Lisa Ginn

 2021 Cruise Book 
Southern Islands of New England & Long Island Sound (August 8 2021 - August 20 2021)
...click for more
 Explore our 
 2019 Cruise Book 
The Path Less Travelled, Mid-Coast Maine (August 4 2019 - August 16 2019)
...click for more
 2017 BVI Cruise Book 
British Virgin Islands (March 4 2017 - March 12 2017)
 2017 Cruise Book 
Casco Bay & Beyond (August 6 2017 - August 17 2017)
 2013 Cruise Book 
Passamaquoddy Bay & Fundy Isles (August 6 2013 - August 18 2013)
 2011 Cruise Book 
Up River and Downeast Maine (August 6 2011 - August 18 2011)
 Mass Bay Racing 
Try Quick and Easy Online Registration for Easier Signups
for Mass Bay Races